Market Research Survey Essentials

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Market Research survey essentials

A survey is a set of questions that aims to acquire data from a target group of people. In the field of market research, it is an invaluable tool to evaluate business strategies, product insights, and consumer opinions, to name a few. For the longest time, market researchers have administered surveys by paper through fieldwork, or indirectly through phone surveys. More recently, online and mobile research surveys are getting more extensive use.

At its core, a survey contains a pre-planned set of questions, which will be distributed to a sample, or in the case of market researchers, a verified panel, which represents a large target population. When surveys are conducted for market research, clients and consultants must acknowledge different terminologies to better understand their markets, such as response/participation rate, incidence rate, and respondent status.

Surveys are essential in getting the general feedback of a target population. By learning the population’s likes, dislikes, selections, and opinions through the panel, market researchers can collect, analyze, and use data that will prove useful in introducing and adjusting business model, brands, product features, etc. If executed correctly, a good survey will be able to provide market researchers with meaningful insights from its panel, supported by reliable and usable data.


How to Design Survey Questionnaires

Questionnaire design is the most essential task in conducting market research surveys. In order to develop a well-designed survey, researchers must be able to determine the objectives of their survey and the purpose of the data they are collecting. There are many questionnaire mistakes that can arise during this task, so researchers must be aware of the usual design pitfalls as they undertake this task. As soon as the objectives and purpose are set, market researchers can then able to lay down the proper ways to ask the questions to the panels.

How to Design Survey Questionnaires

There are two types of questions that market researchers can use in the survey. The first type is composed of basic questions, which include single answer questions, multiple answer questions, matrix questions, open-ended questions, number type questions, and semantic differential questions. The second type is composed of advanced questions, which include sliders, text highlights, heat maps, shelf tests, and conjoints. When properly combined, these basic and advanced question types can properly bring about the best responses from the panels.

Aside from knowing the objectives and purpose of the survey, it is also equally important to identify the respondents of the survey. Market researchers must be aware of regional taboo survey topics, as well as sensitive survey questions that may stir controversy among respondents. On the positive side, taking into consideration key differences in approaching regional markets can help market researchers gain the fervor and trust of their respondents.


Designing and Running Surveys in Asia

The Asian market is quickly growing, and many global companies are shifting their focus in the region. The market is very immense and differences in culture vary widely across the region, so it is important for market researchers to understand their panels and localize the survey to suit their target market.

Designing and Running Surveys in Asia

When developing and sending surveys, market researchers must be able to approach the survey and panel without any bias or misconceptions in order to yield authentic and valuable results. A carefully-designed survey, combined with a properly verified panel, can prevent complications in results such as social desirability bias.

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